According to the California Escrow Law: Section 17003 of the Financial Code, an escrow is defined as a deposit of funds, a deed or some other instruments for the delivery of homes for sale near 90047 to a party by another party upon completion of a particular event or condition. The escrow company is a third party that holds documents as well as funds for the sellers and buyers in the transaction of real state and ensure the proper execution of that documents and funds are dispersed appropriately. 

The interim period of the sale of house for sale in zip code 90047 between the sellers and buyers is escrow. As there may come as unanticipated challenges about the home or the loan the buyers can feel stressful about escrow. 

An escrow opens or begins from the day after an offer is accepted by the sellers. By agreeing and signing in a California Purchase Agreement where the terms of sale are reflected, buyers and sellers acceptance is done. In California, Escrow Company is chosen by sellers which is agreed to by the buyers. When Escrow opens, within 3 days a good faith deposit of 3% is wired into escrow by buyers. Escrow Instructions are basically a blueprint of the signed California Purchase Agreement or Contract that are sent out to the buyers and sellers for approval. 

Following instructions in a timely manner, paying all bills as authorized, handling the funds and/or documents in accordance with the instructions, closing the escrow only when all terms are satisfied, responding to authorized requests from the principals and funding in accordance with instructions are the duties of an escrow holder. Total escrow costs generally averaging 1 ½% most of the times, is provided to the buyers with a Closing or Settlement Statement. 

Typical range of an escrow period is from 30 to 45 days, in most of the areas of California, the buyers take possession of the home at the end of escrow at 5 pm. Buyers hold their inspections, submit paperwork to the lender, read and sign disclosures and other required documents during this transitional period. In this duration they try to come up with the decision whether to proceed with the sale while, at the same time they continues their working to get the loan approved. 

The stress during this period finally makes you move into your dream home. The escrow officer pays all the due funds at the end of escrow and handover of the ownership is recorded the next day. 

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