As per the Escrow Law (California - Financial Code of the Section 17003) an escrow is defined as a deposit of a deed, funds or other instruments that is done by a party to deliver it to another party after completion of a certain event or condition. The escrow company is a third party that holds documents and funds for the buyers and sellers in the transaction of a real estate and also ensures the correct disperse of funds and proper execution of those documents. 

The transitional period of the sale of the home from the sellers to the buyers is known as escrow. Sometime escrow is stressful. The reason is unanticipated challenges may arise due to the condition of the home, the buyers’ loan or for the appraisal. 

The event starts or opens in the day after the acceptance of the offer by the sellers. Through the signing of a California Purchase Agreement which reflects terms of the sale by both of the buyers and sellers, this acceptance is executed. you can also go here http://www.ietrealestate.com/90044.php for more real estate information.  In California the escrow is chosen by the sellers that are agreed to by buyers. Likewise, other vendors like Title Company, pest Control Company, home warranty etc. are also chosen by the sellers. 

A good faith deposit of 3% is wired into escrow by the buyers within 3 days of Escrow opening. Escrow Instructions that is approved by both the buyers and sellers is basically a blueprint of the signed California Purchase Agreement or contract. Generally averaging 1 ½%, the total escrow costs are reflected in the closing or settlement statement that is sent to the buyer. For sellers the estimated cost average between 7-8%. 

It is duty of an escrow holder to follow these instructions in a timely manner, handling the documents or funds in accordance with the instructions, replying to authorized requests from the principals, paying all bills as authorized, closing the escrow only when all terms are satisfied and funding is according to the instructions. 

The buyers perform their inspections, read and approve disclosures from the sellers, the state and the agents through this transitional escrow period. Buyers also collect all other required documents he need. Buyers take decision within this period whether he should move forward with the sale and at the same time work to get the loan approved. Removal of contingencies promptly on time during this period is important for the sellers. Strengthening the offer timely removal of contingencies also moves the process along making less stress for the seller.
Typical range of an escrow period is from 30 to 45 days and in most areas of California, buyers take possession of the home at 5 p.m. the close of escrow when sellers must vacate. All personal possessions at that time are needed to be removed and keys are handed over to the new buyers. 

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